
Agriculture has been and continues to be a major component of Franklin County’s economy.

Agriculture comprises more than 242,600 acres of land in Franklin County. Franklin County ranks 4th in the state in total agricultural cash receipts, additionally, statewide Franklin County ranks 2nd in total cropland, the production of milk, cattle, melons, and corn for silage and 3rd for fruit and berry production.  There are nearly 1,500 family farms in Franklin County.

In order to sustain the current level of Agriculture well into the future, Franklin County has engaged in an aggressive agricultural land preservation program. Through 2022, 149 family farms have been preserved totaling more than 18,700 acres.  More than 40% of County land is in crops…ranking #2 in the entire state. 

million dollars annual total ag cash receipts
acres of ag land have been preserved for future generations
in the Commonwealth for the production of milk