State of the Economy Luncheon
March 6, 2025
The Orchards Restaurant
1580 Orchard Drive
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Platinum Sponsor
The FCADC hosted its annual State of the Economy Luncheon on March, 6, 2025 at the Orchards Restaurant in Chambersburg. The event attracted more than 225 community and business leaders from across Franklin County. FCADC President, Mike Ross provided a review of economic development successes throughout 2024, as well as a preview of 2025, including state and national policy issues that may impact economic development. Additionally, former state representative Paul Schemel and Tim Henry, President, F&M Trust were both presented with the FCADC President’s Award recognizing their positive impacts on the economic success and quality of life of Franklin County. The event concluded with a presentation on the early childhood education crisis facing Pennsylvania and Franklin County. Andrea Haberlein, Executive Director, PA Early Learning Commission and Anette Searfoss, CEO, First Start Partnership of Franklin County, provided the presentation.
Andrea Haberlein, Executive Director
PA Early Learning Investment Commission
Anette Searfoss, CEO
First Start Partnership
Former State representative paul schemel (L) accepts
his fcadc president’s award