A proven record of success.

Since 1986, we have successfully facilitated more than 1050 projects throughout Franklin County. Those projects have resulted in more than $3.4 Billion in capital expenditures and have created/retained more than 61,000 jobs.

We concentrate our efforts in three primary areas:

Business Retention/Expansion

The retention and expansion of existing companies is the cornerstone to any successful economic development strategy. Our staff spends approximately 90% of its time and resources assisting Franklin County firms.

Selective Attraction of New Businesses

The attraction of new industries is intended to diversify and strengthen the local economy.

Start-Up of New Businesses

We spend considerable time assisting individuals considering business start-ups. Our staff is well acquainted with resources and programs that lower the costs of initiating and operating a successful enterprise.

FCADC Services

In carrying out its mission, the FCADC offers a myriad of services, including (but not limited to):


We are a repository of comprehensive socio-economic and demographic data for the county – all information is updated as changes occur.

Government Financing & Affairs

As a state certified Area Loan Organization and Industrial Development Corporation, we market, package and administer low-interest loans.

Site Location

We maintain a county-wide inventory of industrial sites and buildings, as well as provide site development services and assistance.


We maintain effective relationships with the DCED, the Governor’s Action Team, local governments and elected officials serving Franklin County.


We bring together diverse stakeholders in support of common economic development and quality-of-life goals.


We identify and promote issues that impact the economic vitality and quality-of-life of Franklin County.